Welcome to Soutter.com, this is the home page of the Soutter family originally from Dundee in Scotland, then moved to
Alberton, South
Africa before returning to England.
The front page of Soutter.com is designed by Zoe Soutter, the rest is designed and
maintained by Neal
Soutter, if there is
anything that
needs changing/fixing please e-mail Neal using the contact details at the bottom
of this page.
Soutter History
This is a Soutterware jug. Ron Clarke (Herbert
Art Gallery & Museum, Coventry) found the jug in a shop selling
miscellaneous brasswork and other secondhands and antiques in Southsea
If you would like to contact one of the above people, please email
shown in the image on the right.
(The address has to be an image to stop webscrapers
from putting it on spam lists)